Page name: across the universe [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-04-04 01:13:47
Last author: ArtworkA
Owner: wolvie
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Across The Universe

Is there anybody going to listen to my story....
[RESTARTED ON 09/20/2010!!!!!!!]

K so this is a wiki based on Across the Universe (my favorite musical ever!!!! i mean come on jim sturgis is cuter then hell xD)
Anyways this RPG takes place in the 60's where there's all sorts of turmoil and sadness and stuff :D
This is basically a love story but with some twists

NEW chat for this wiki to put idea's or whatever --> Across the questions



Name: Jude
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Short History: Originally from Liverpool, England; Jude came to the United States to try and find his father. He met a girl and fell in love, he moved to New York illegally to try and stay with her things however quickly spun out of control...he's an amazing artist and wants to find a job drawing somewhere
Any Powers: He can sing randomly xD
Other Info: none yet
<img:> Maxwell's Silver Hammer (xD max is apparently a murderer xD not really but yea google te song :D on another note clearly Max is a slut lookit his pants xD) and Jude with his random strawberries :D
<img:> Jude's new shiba inu puppy Shep, for some reason Shep LOVES John xD like litterally loves him xD

Name: Maxwell (Max) Carrigan
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Short History: Max is in his own words: "An unmotivated college dropout" his rich parents sent him to college where he prompltly dropped out, he grew tired of his parents telling him what a disapointment he was and moved to new york with his best friend Jude to try and escape it. He recently recieved and burnt a draft card
Any powers: He can shift to a wolf
Other Info: nope
<img:> woo a good emo pic xD not sure why he always looks so emo o.o he was only emo in like a third of the movie @_@
<img:> slighty better but he looks emo >.<
<img:> fluffy wolf form >:D

Max's puppy Zeus

Name: Lucy Carrigan
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Short history: Lucy is Max's little sister, closer to her parents then max. She hates war and is very pro peace her first boyfriend was killed in the war she is a former lover of Jude and is pregnent with his child. She was part of an anti war group but left after discovering they were building bombs
Any Powers: none
Other info: She is very protective of Max
<img:> Lucy & Max

Name: Paul 'Bruce' Dickinson [last one i promise xD]
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bi-sexual but prefers the ladies
Short History: Bruce has lived in England with his grandparent's his full life however when they both died he found it too depressing to stay there so he moved to New York to start a new life. He's an amazing singer and fencer and dreams of becoming a pilot someday
Any Powers: his cuteness :D and he can shift to a wolf :D
Other info: none

Name: JoJo [k this is my last one xD]
Age: 37
Sexuality: Straight
Short History: JoJo has lived in New York his whole life and loves it, he's the landlord to Jude and Max. He fought in the war and is still traumatized by it but he hides it well and doesn't think it does any good to try and hide from it.
Any Powers: nope
Other info: he's a singer and a guitarist


[Tis gone but never gone]
Name:Garnet Lacey
Short History:Garnet grew up in New York her whole life and her family own a huge recording company, while she works in a cafe because she refuses to take money off her parents. She wants to be a fashion designer or a writer.
Any Powers: Can freeze time?
Other Info: The reason she became a lesbian is because her uncle raped her from the age of 13 and she has been put off men ever since then. Oh and she is Rei's best friend, he is the one guy she can stand to be around.

[Tis gone but never gone]
Name:Summer Van Alen
Short History:She is Garnet's best female friend and ex girlfriend too. Summer gose to NYU, studying art because she wants to be an artist.Summer got preagant at age 16 with her ex boyfriend Colin's baby, her parents where out raged and kicked her out the house, so Summer went to live with her best friend Garnet's house. She gave up her son to her sister, Jenny, because she couldn't get preagant but she told her sister that she would like to be in her son's like, they agreed to it. So Summer acts as Mark's auntie, spending time with him three times a week but at times Summer wants to tell him the truth but she can't because of her sister.
Any Powers:She has the power of a slut XD
other Info:She smokes, drinks and dose drugs

[Tis gone but never gone]
Name: Marcus William Van Alen (Nut he gets called Mark)
Sexuality:Too young :P
Short History: Mark is the son of Summer and Colin. His mother was only 16 when she give birth to him as his father left his mother. His mother gave him up to his auntie Jenny because she couldn't get preagant. So he thinks that Summer is his auntie but really she is his mother but he dosen't know.


Name: Rei Akito
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bi
Short History: is a professional singer and has lived in new york his whole life though lately he's been slipping lately getting into drugs and alcohol
any powers: err he can shape shadows into whatever he wants?
other info: none

Name: Nikolai
Age: 32
Sexuality: gay
Short History: been a drug dealer since he was 16 he doesnt use just sells
Powers: power of persuasion
other info: none
<img:><img500*0:stuff/aj/49600/shibapup.jpg> Nikki's rat crystal and his puppy Dragon :D

Name: Belle McDaniel
Age: 16
Sexuality: Straight
Short History: recently came moved to new york to find her aunt to get away from her abusive father
Powers: she can see into the future
other info:...

Name: Amy Lee Hartzler but she goes by Alex
Sexuality: Bi
Short History: she's moved around a lot she's currently in new york to well she doesnt know yet all she knows is that she wants to help her country and fight for it but since she's a woman they wont allow it so she keeps her hair in a ponytail and pinned under a hat she always wears she does everything she can to make her look like a boy so she can be drafted she has documents and everything that says alex but they're all forged
Powers: none
Other info: is a girl masquerading as a boy


Name: Marcus
Age: 17
Sexuality: Gay
Short History: He lived in london for a long time then moved to new york recently.
Any Powers: Can change to a wolf and control and create fire
Other Info: Allergic to chocolate and Silver

Name:John Jameson
History:John was in a gang back in Irland and he saw a lot of folk get killed and he helped with the killing too but one night, the guilt of what he did got to him.So he went to the cops and told them everything, he was only 15 at the time. He went to Juvenile prison until about 6 months ago when he finshed his time in the big house. So now he's in...yeah here in New York.
Personallity:Depressed, sat, hurt, alone, suicidal
Powers: Pyromancer!
Other in hiding...he left his gang, when shit go too hot, confessed yadda yadda, but nayway, he knows how to build bombs and shit :D


extra wiki's

Across The Universe deleted scenes for all yer sex perv's xD new one's will also be here

Across The Universe Full Movie for those of you who wish to watch teh movie :D

Across The Universe The Songs admit it you want to see Jim Sturgis singing xD

Across the Questions for question's and ideas :D

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2010-09-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled a little."Cool"

2010-09-07 [wolvie]: Max smiles back kissing her cheek

2010-09-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled.

2010-09-07 [wolvie]: Max smiles back, "lets go to the pet store and get some stuff then back home ok?"

2010-09-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Okay." Summer nodded.

2010-09-07 [wolvie]: Max smiles gettin in the car, setting Cookie in the back seat

Cookie lays down and smiles

2010-09-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer got into the car and pulled on her deat belt, she was in the front deat.

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max smiles softly, "You ok Summer?" he asks and starts driving to the pet store

Cookie pants a little staying in the back

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled as he got out of the car

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Yep." Summer nodded

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back going into the pet store

Max smiles kissing her cheek then goes inside

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer got out the car and followed Max inside

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "so what kind of pet do you want?"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max smiles gently taking her hand, "Hey look there's Jude and Niki" he smiles softly, "Glad they're ok"

Jude smiles, "Something cuddly?"

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer held his hand."Yeah am glad he's back."she smiled.

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai giggled "do ya want a dog? cat? what?"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max nods, "Me two now lets get the stuff before they spot us"

Jude smiles, "Errrr your choice"

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer chuckled.

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "um how about a cat?" he giggled "or do you prefer dogs?"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max smiles and goes to the dog stuff grabbing a cute pink collar and leash

Jude is too busy sneakily following Summer to hear

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer just followed Max around the store.

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "well how rude" he smiled "Just for that im gettin him a rat"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "Whhat else do we need?"

Jude smiles and puts his hands over Summer's eyes, "Guess who?"

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai giggled heading over to the rodents

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer jumped when someone put there hands over her eyes."Ummmm...English dude?"She smiled

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max looks over, "Ummm I'mma go look at the rats for fun" he says not wanting Jude to find out what he had to do so he goes to the rat secection

Jude frowns slightly, why is Max avoidin me? he wonders then shrugs a little and smiles, "err yes but what english dude?"

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled had a black and white rat sitting on his shoulder "awe he's cute"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max, "More like creepy" he says seein Nikolai

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "not creepy cute"

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer turned around and hugged him

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max, "Uber creepy not cute in the least"

Jude smiles, "Ello Summer" he hugs her back

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled holding a shiba inu puppy in his hands "this is for jude the rat is for me and he is so cute"

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: 'Am so happy your back!'Summer smiled.

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max smiles back, "Awe cute puppy and well if you say in a better mood now?"

Jude smles back, "me two I missed you guys"

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "yea sorry for biting your head off"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max, "It's ok no biggie"

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "have ya said hi to jude yet?"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max, "No...I will later'

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "why not now?"

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled brightly."So how was the trip back here?"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max shrugs, "I just don't want to"

Jude smiles back, "ok" he giggles, "Niki's off buying me a pet"

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Why he is buying you a pet?" She chuckled

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "he's your friend why wouldnt you?"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Jude smiles, "Cuz he loves me?"

Max, "Cuz he'll probaly try and hug and I don't feel like it"

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer giggled."That must be it."

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai nodded "alright then"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Jude smiles and nods, "Lets go find him"

max nods, "Sorry for bein an as to you earlier"

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Okay." She smiled and walked over to Max and Nikolai."Hey boys." She smiled and she linked her arm with Max's as she layed her head on the side of his shoulder.

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "no need to be" he smiled "hey ya"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max smiles back, "Hi" he nuzzles her

Jude gasps, "NIki what on earth do you have?"

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer nuzzled Max back with a smile.

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled holding up the shiba inu puppy "a puppy?"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max smiles back softly

Jude smiles, "Awe he's cute" he takes the puppy

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled then petted the rat on shoulder

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer looked at Nikolai."Why a puppy?" She tightend her grip on Max's arm a little.

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Jude smiles softly, "A rat?"

Max winces a little, "It's ok Summer"

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "jude seemed like a dog guy" he giggled "yes its a cute rat"

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer squeked a little."Rat?" She was frozen in terror when she saw the rat on Nikolai's shoulder.She couldn't breath which caused her to faint.

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Jude eeps noticing Summer faint

Max jumps and kneels by Summer gently shaking her

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai rose his brow "she ok?"

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer was still out cold. She hated rats more than dogs XD

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max shakes her, "SUmmer?

Jude frowns, "That's not good"

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer groaned as she woke up." head." She wined.

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai gently held the rat in his hands

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max frowns, "Wat happend?"

Jude pets the puppy

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I...couldn't breath and then the next think I knew I was on the floor." She frowned and she turned on her side and hid her face on Max's lap.

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max frowns, "Oh Summer..."

Jude frowns, "She afraid of animals?"

Max, "I guess so but she let me get a puppy..."

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai frowned

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer shook her head on Max's lap."Not scared of animals, just dogs, snakes, rats, spriders, wasps, moths and ants"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Jude frowns also and pets the puppy, "I'm sorry..."

Max, "But we have a pup Summer"

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "im sure it was crystal's fault" he smiled "I named my rat"

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer said nothing as she wrapped her arms around his wasit, her face on his lap.

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Jude looks at the pup, "Is it a boy or girl?"

Max sighs, "Ok we can get rid of cookie if your this scared"

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "its a girl"

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer looked up at Max."No...I'll learn to like Cookie."

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Jude smiles, "Errrrrrrrrr I'll name her errrrrrrrrrr Nelly! :D"

Max frowns, "But your scared of dogs..."

2010-09-08 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer got to her knees and she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly."But you want a dog which means I'll learn to like them...or maybe just like Cookie."She whispered in his ear

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "that works"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Max smiles softly and nods, "Ok"

Jude smiles back giggling, "But i hate that name"

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai giggled "then why would you name her that?"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Jude giggles, "I wouldn't hmmmmm oooh frank :D"

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "a girl dog named frank"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Jude giggles, "No? Then ummmm fish!"

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai giggled "awesome"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Jude, "No it's lame awe3 i know Nikki after my favorite person in the world"

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "awe thats so sweet"

2010-09-08 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back and kisses his cheek

2010-09-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "lets pay for em"

2010-09-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer nodded and she slowly got to her feet.

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: Jude nods, "Ok"

Max smiles softly, "I love you Summer"

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled going to the register

2010-09-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I love you too, Max."Summer smiled.

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: Jude goes with Nikolai

Max smiles back and gets the rest of the stuff they need

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "oh wait we'll need more than just the pets wont we?"

2010-09-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer followed Max

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: Jude smiles, "We will?"

Max smiles, "See ya guys" he pays for all of cookie's stuff

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "bye" he nodded "yea dog bed, food for both, a cage for the rat a collar leash"

2010-09-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer waved bye to them

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: Jude holds Nikki to him, "But we keep the pets?"

Max smiles going back to the car and putting everythin in the trunk

Cookie is sleepin in the back seat

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "yes dear we do but we need that stuff for the pets we can get it all here"

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "ok then"

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai nodded getting the rest of the stuff then paid for everything.

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: Jude smiles, "Awesome"

Nikki barks wagging her tail

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled back "look we have kids now" he chuckled

2010-09-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer got into the car and put on her seat belt.

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: Jude nods, "Yes we do"

Max smiles getting in also then drives them home

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai giggled heading home with Jude and their pets

2010-09-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer got out the car when they got home. She took the stuff out trunk and walked into the house.

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: Jude smiles brightly and takes Nikki inside, "Welcome to your new home"

Max smiles, "thanks Summer" he opens the back door and picks up cookie carrying her inside

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "ooh i should tell Rei he'd loves pets"

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back and nods, "Yeah do it!"

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled calling rei talking with him for a few "k bye see ya soon"

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: [sorry my damned fishworld fish had to be done really quick and it crashes if I try and stay on ep and do it @_@]

Jude smiles back bouncing excidedly

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [totally k ^^]

Nikolai giggled

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: [and it takes forever on this laptop -.o]

Jude smiles, "Wha?"

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled back "you're so silly but i love ya so its ok"

2010-09-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer nodded a little as she closed the door when he and Cookie where inside.

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: Jde giggles, "Thanks I love ya two"

Max smiles, "Love you Summer" he puts cokie down

Cookie yawns and smiles going to her bed and curling up

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "well yay then"

2010-09-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Love you too Max." She said as she put Cookie's stuff on the sofa then she sat down.

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back giggling

Max smiles sitting down by her

2010-09-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer kicked off her shoes and took off her jacket

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "So you like Cookie?"

Cookie walks over sniffing at Summer's shoes curiously

2010-09-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Give it time, Max." She leaned on him, she layed her head on his chest and she wraped one arm around him.

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rei knocked on Nikolai's door.

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: Max nods, "Sorry" he puts an arm around her gently

Jude bounces over and opens the door, "Go away :D"

2010-09-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer nodded against his chest.

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rei smiled "well fine i will"

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "My beautiful summer"

Cookie wags her tail and goes to get a drink of water

Jude smiles back, "Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

2010-09-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled."My sexy Maxwell."

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rei giggled walking in "then why tell me to go away?"

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: Max smiles back, "I hope you neer change"

Jude giggles, "cuz i rock"

Nikki barks and runs over

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rei smiled "awe you got a puppy so cute"

2010-09-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Huh?"Summer looekd up at him.

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "Never change Summer"

Jude smiles back, "And a rat"

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rei giggled "oh dear nikki got his rat?"

2010-09-09 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I won't. And same goes for you"

2010-09-09 [wolvie]: Jude smiles and nods, "Yeah he did"

Max smiles and nods, "I won't I promise"

2010-09-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rei smiled chuckling "so glad to have ya back jude"

2010-09-10 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled softly.

2010-09-13 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "it's good to be back"

Max yawns a little

2010-09-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rei hugged him "good"

2010-09-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Sleepy?" She asked

2010-09-20 [wolvie]: [restartin >:D]

2010-09-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [wooot :D]

2010-09-20 [wolvie]: [yes >:D but i wannna see if more people's will join @_@]

2010-09-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [tay ^^]

2010-09-20 [wolvie]: [and i added a new wiki for questions and idea's :D i want this one to be all dramatic like day that never comes >.> :D i told tat dude to join he better or I'll cry]

2010-09-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [ooh sweet cant wait for it too start :D]

2010-09-20 [wolvie]: [me either :D *debates how to start*]

2010-09-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [*eats some pizza* :D]

2010-09-20 [wolvie]: [BRILLIANT :D gives me an idea xD]

Maxwell, Lucy, and Jude are sitting together at a pizza parlor

2010-09-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [epic XD]

Belle sat a booth by herself nibbling at her pizza while she reads intently.

Rei had just got finished with a 'transaction' between him and Nikolai he stepped into the parlor and took himself a seat scratching at his arm lightly.

2010-09-20 [wolvie]: Jude looks at Max, "So what're you going to do mate? I heard if you swallow cottonballs it'll show up as a grayspot on the x-rays" he says his brittish accent showing

Max shrugs, "Get a good fuck and hope I can survive?"

Lucy, "it's not funny max" she says and gets up going outside

2010-09-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer was picking at her pizza a little.

2010-09-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled strolling down the street he smirked seeing Lucy so he non chalantly strolled over to her "hello my dear something seems to be bothering you"

Rei looked over a menu nibbling on his lip.

2010-09-20 [wolvie]: Max sighs watching Lucy storm off, "Damnit i was only jokin can't she take a joke?"

Jude frowns and nibbles on his pizza not replying

Lucy, "Yea so what?"

2010-09-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I need a drink." She stood up and walked over to the counter and she ordered herself a coke.

2010-09-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "maybe i can help you forget your problems"

Rei blinked watching Lucy leave then went back to fiddling with the drugs in his pocket.

2010-09-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer payed for her drink then she walked back over to her table where Garnet was sitting at."What drink did you get?"Garent asked."Coke."Summer said.

2010-09-20 [wolvie]: Max decides to change the subject and grins, saying quietly to Jude, "Watch this" he hops up and walks casualy over to Summer and Garnet's table, pulling up a chair, "Hello you lovely ladies" he says as he sits down

Lucy, "And how are you going to do that?"

2010-09-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Garent and Summer looks at Max."Hi" They both said

2010-09-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai pulled a box out from his bag opening it was filled with various drugs "your pick"

Rei rose a brow at Max chuckling lightly

2010-09-20 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "You two interested in a wild and crazy threesome?" he asks then chuckles, "Kidding but seriously you two are beautiful and should hook up with me :D"

Lucy raises a brow, "Drugs?"

2010-09-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I'm a leasbian."Garnet said."I hate men touching me."

"I'm bi."Summer said

2010-09-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "well of course how else would you forget?"

2010-09-20 [wolvie]: Max, "well damn" he smiles back at Summer, "So see it'd be a win win I'd get a lovely lady and you'd get a bold romantic man" he chuckles

Lucy, "I can't take drugs"

2010-09-20 [Tis gone but never gone]: Garent laughed softly."Oh god Summer your not going to buy this are you?"

Summer giggled.

2010-09-20 [ArtworkA]: [O,O interesting]

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai nodded "fine then" he turned to talk to another person who wanted to buy.

Rei got up and walked to get his pizza squeaking when he tripped

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: [join you must :D]

Lucy watches, "You make money doing that?"

Jude jumps and kneels by him, "You ok dude?"

Max smiles, "What? I'm a cool guy got a good little puppy, chicks dig the puppy"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [yes you must ashley]

Nikolai turned back to her "pays for a mansion and a few cars"

Rei smiled dusting off his knees "im ok"

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: [yes :O and brb gona play fishworld realy quick :D]

Lucy, "Where do you get the drugs from?"

Jude smiles back, "Ok good then"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [tay then :D]

Nikolai "i have a person i get them from"

Rei nodded "im rei"

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: [back :D]

Lucy nods, "I see I see"

Jude smiles, "I'm Jude"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [woot :D]

Nikolai "interesting to get a foot into the trade? i can give you half of my stuff to get you started"

Rei smiled back holding out his hand "nice to meet you"

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Lucy shakes her head, "No I find drugs disgusting I was just wondering"

Jude smiles back and shakes, "Nice to meet you as well"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "you dont have to do them i dont"

Rei "who's nikolai talking to?" he muttered.

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Lucy, "But feed other people's demons? That's not right"

Jude, "My old girlfriend why?"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai shrugged "there own damn fault for feeding it"

Rei "he's a drug dealer"

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Lucy, "Yea but why offer the chance?"

Jude frowns, "Oh..well she won't take drugs'

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "only the strong will turn it down"

Rei nodded "thats good"

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Lucy, "Some of them aren't strong enough some of them honestly think they need it"

Jude nods, "Yea"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai shrugged "i sleep well at night so i dont care"

Rei fiddled with the bag in his pocket nodding

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Lucy, "Good for you"

Jude, "You ok mate?"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai nodded.

Rei nodded "im fine"

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Lucy, "SOrry for bein a bitch"

Jude, 'YOu sure?"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai shrugged "its fine"

Rei nodded "of course im sure"

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Lucy nods a little, "I'm just kinda stressed" she confeses, "Not sure what's gonna happen to me now"

Jude nods and goes back to his pizza

Bruce is at a coffee shop talkin to a clerk, "What do ya mean you don't serve tea here? that's ridiculous D:"

2010-09-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Puppy?"Summer's eyes went wide with fear.

Garnet sighed softly.

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "about what?"

Rei left the place quickly.

Belle smiled as she left walking down to the coffee shop

2010-09-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [OMG MICHELLE!]

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Max nods, "Yea his name's Zeus and he totally kicks ass" he smiles then tilts his head an frowns lightly, "What's wrong?"

Lucy, "Well I'm gonna have a babby and I'm not with the father anymore so my parent's are gonna freak and probably stop sending me money or want me to kill it" she sighs

Jude frowns a little watchin Rei leave

Bruce, "But I want tea v.v" he says all sad like, "Oh fine I'll try a coffee if I must"

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "i can give you the money"

Belle smiled "i'd try a mocha cappuchino its really good"

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: [omg fine don't say OMG WOLVIE bastard! v.v]

Lucy, "you don't even know me"

Bruce looks over then smiles back, "K clerk dude totally changed my mind I'll have tat thingy"

2010-09-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: [yes Jimmy???]

Garent looked at Max."Summer is scared of dog, puppies, moths, bees, wasps, spirder and pain."

Summer nodded."yeah but she said.

2010-09-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "so?"

Belle chuckled lightly

2010-09-21 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [*hug hug*]

2010-09-21 [Tis gone but never gone]: [*Hugs hugs back*]

2010-09-21 [wolvie]: Max, "Well then I'll go talk to someone else cuz sorry but if you love me ya gotta love my dog two"

Lucy, "So it wouldn't be right"

Bruce smiles payin the dude then goes to wait for it

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